Jane and Perla was waiting for Charles for the first time together. Who knows which one was more excited?
Perla: Do I look all right? Maybe I had to go to hairdresser...
Jane: Oh, no, Mom, you look fantastic!
Emma: Who comes, Mommy?
Jane: Someone whom Mommy loves very much! His name is Charles, you know, he is on that photo with Mommy.
Emma: I know. Charles.
The doorbell rang.
Jane: It is him!
Perla: Emma, come to me.
Jane went to open the door.
Jane: Mom, Emma, he is Charles.
Charles: My name is Charles Brandon, nice to meet you, Mrs. Westley. Jane has told me a lot about you.
Perla: My name is Perla, please. I am happy to meet you.
Jane: Emma, please, say hello to Charles.
Emma: Hello...
Charles: Hello little Emma. Can I give you a kiss?
Emma was a bit shy so first Charles gave Perla a bunch of beautiful flowers.
Perla: Jane, please, bring me a vase for these.
Charles: Emma, look, I met this bunny across the street. He wanted to come with me.
Emma: How cute! I love this bunny!
With her new bunny in her hands Emma became brave enough to sit on his lap. Charles and Perla began to talk and get to know each other. They all enjoyed the night. Perla was smiling all the way home and was very happy that her daughter found a likeable and intelligent man - and last but not least he is so handsome!
After Perla was gone Charles helped the girls finish this gingerbread house. Maybe it is too early but it was the first time Jane wanted to make one, and she thought why not? She has already baked the walls and roof, they had only to decorate it with strawberry and lemon cream and lots of sweets.
Nice preparations for christmas! :)
Hello from Spain: I really like Charles. The living room is awesome. I love the photo frame on the wall. Great job. The cake is very tasty. Keep in touch
VálaszTörlésThank You, Marta! I hope one day I will have enough place for a bigger living room for Jane. Now we are preparing for Christmas with more decorations :)
TörlésJaj, nagyon finomnak néz ki a kis házikó :) Szuper jók lettek a képek, Charles és Jane pedig nagyon szépek együtt!
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm szépen! :) Örülünk, hogy túljutottunk az első találkozáson :)
TörlésNagyon jó ötleteid vannak a történetben, tényleg ez a mézeskalács házikós ötlet szuper. Miből készült??
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm!! A mézeskalács házikó ötlete MyFroggy-tól származik, íme a videója: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DKaTZ4Op-U
TörlésAz enyém dekorgumiból van, amire puffadó festéket nyomtam (sajnos pont fehér nem volt a boltban), és gyöngyökkel díszítettem. :)
Finally! Love the memory they made,
VálaszTörlésThank You! :)
TörlésNagyon jók a fotók! A mézeskalács házikó nagyon tetszik, ügyesen megvalósítottad!
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm szépen! :)
TörlésSzia! Szerintem is nagyon klassz lett a mézeskalács házikó! :-) Én is tervezek ilyesmit csinálni... És nagyinak remekül áll az a nyaklánc, szép! :-)
TörlésKépzeld, a nagyin látható nyakláncot még kiskoromban készítettem, körülbelül 20 éve :D Szerencsére sok holmit megőriztem abból az időből :)
Hola, qu{e bonita historia, espero siga así. Hasta pronto.
VálaszTörlés¡muchas gracias
TörlésMy next story will be ready really soon today :)