2013. szeptember 17., kedd

Friday Night Part One

Tara: We have to find you the perfect outfit!
Jane: I don't know what to choose...

Tara: Let me see your dresses!
Jane: Thank you so much for help!

Tara: What about this stunning dress?
Jane: Oh, no, it is too much... Don't forget, we will go to a pub.

Jane: I like this blouse...
Tara: No, no! Next, please!

Tara: I think this will be amazing!
Jane: It is too short...

Jane: And what about this?
Tara: Oh, Jane, you are beautiful! This one will be perfect!

Jane: Thanks for looking after Emma tonight!
Tara: Of course I do! I love you and I am so happy for your date!

Jane: My last date was with Mark more than ten years ago!... I am afraid that I forgot everything...
Tara: About what? You are a wonderful lady, and I want you to find love again so much!

Jane: I love you!
Tara: Me, too, my dear! Go and prepare for the night!

8 megjegyzés:

  1. Ezt a mázlit! Gondoltam felnézek, és lám itt a friss! Alig várom a randit, de szerintem ezzel az érzéssel nem vagyok egyedül ;) Mondtam már, hogy menyasszonyi ruhabolt nyílik hamarosan nálunk? :)

    1. LOL!!! Jövőre betervezünk néhány eseményt...;)
      A randi képei készen, remélem, tetszeni fog!! ;)

  2. Hello from Spain: I love the party. Great furniture and beautiful outfits. I see that you have Ikea furniture. I also I have the same house. I love it. Keep in touch

    1. Thank You, Marta! Yes, I saw this IKEA furniture first on Your blog!! :))
      I hope You will like the next chapter, too ;)

  3. The room looks very nice. The bookcase is perfect in that little spot and it's nicely decorated. Good luck on your date Jane.

    1. Thanks, Vanessa! I love this IKEA furniture set :)
