2013. június 29., szombat

Daddy Has Arrived

Daddy has finally arrived! Emma was so happy, she ran and jumped into Daddy's arms.

Mark: Hello Darling, I missed you so much! Give me a kiss!

Mark: That was the most delicious kiss I've ever felt.

Mark: Hello, Janey.
Jane: Hello, Mark. Welcome here again.

Mark gave a gentle kiss to his ex-wife's cheek and enjoyed her hair's silky smoothing for a moment.  'Good to see you' he whispered.
Jane repressed an old memory.

Jane: Well... Come and have a seat. 

Mark: You are beautiful as always.
Jane: Please stop this or I get red.

Emma: Daddy, what you got for me?
Mark: Here you are. Mommy has something in this box, too.

Emma: A teddyyyyyy!! A Kittyyyyy!
Mark: This is the new Strawberry Hello Kitty for your little collection.
Emma: What is this?
Mark: This is a parfume for Mommy.

Jane: Oh, you didn't have to...
Mark: I know this is your favorite parfume. The last time we met I saw that your old bottle is empty.
Jane: But this is a big and expensive one...
Mark: Let me buy something special for my daughter's only mother if I want.
Jane: Thank you very much, Mark. I really love it. 
Mark: That's the only thing I wanted to hear.

Emma went to play with her new toy and Jane brought tea for Mark and herself.
Jane: How was your trip?
Mark: It was exhaustive. Sometimes we slept in sleeping bags on the airport.
Jane: And the tour?

Mark: It was really fantastic. We were in about ten countries in two month. Every ticket was sold out, the stadiums were full. They loved us.
Jane: Very good news.
Mark: Oh, the boys send you their greetings.
Jane: Thanks.

Mark: And what happened to you the last weeks? How were you?
Jane: Everyting was OK. Lizzy and Willy were there many times and Tara also visited us.
Mark: What about your workplace?
Jane: We had many to do but I like it. Alice is a nice girl and we can work now like a first class team.
Mark: And what about you?

Jane: I am fine, really. Tired but fine. I enjoy the weekends very much with Emma in the garden. Emma loves it, too.
Mark: And... Any other news?
Jane: I don't know what you are thinking about.
Mark You know... Did you met someone here?
Jane (laughing): Is it important for you? No. I didn't. But Tara did.

Jane told him everything about her neighbours and Colin. A bit later Emma left her Teddy and Kitty and climbed into Daddy's lap.

Emma: Will you stay, Daddy?
Mark: Yes, for two days. And then I have to go back to work.
Emma: No!
Mark: All right, I am here yet.
Emma: Come and play with me.
Jane: Just go and play, I prepare dinner.

Emma and Mark had a great time together till the evening.

11 megjegyzés:

  1. Piszok kérdés, de miért mentek külön? Olyan cukik együtt! (Nem mintha nálunk nem lennének gyereket egyedül nevelő szülők :D )

    1. :) Köszi! Tényleg jól néznek ki együtt. :) Az ismerőseik-rokonaik értetlenkedtek is rendesen több mint egy évvel ezelőtt, amikor különváltak az útjaik. :) Mark egy szabadságot kedvelő zenész, aki az együttese folyamatosan felfelé ívelő karrierjét egyengeti, és ezért egyrészt nagyon is társasági ember, másrészt pedig igazi művészlélek, aki alkotni sokszor csak a legteljesebb magányban képes. Az ok valószínűleg ezekben keresendő. Hű, lehet, hogy nekem is kellene már írnom egy külön életrajz-részt :))

    2. Nekem már az művészi magány, ha a férjem nincs a közelben, és morog, hogy megint mit művelek?? :D Nos, így érthető, és igen, az életrajz nem rossz ötlet, de nekem pl. nincs hozzá türelmem :D

  2. Daddy is quite handsome. Glad that he made it home safe and sound.

    1. Thanks, Vanessa! :) I am planning now a bio for my growing collection :)

  3. Nagyon jók a képek! Ugye, ők még egyszer, megint egy pár lesznek? Jó lenne! Szépek együtt!

    1. Köszönöm szépen! Sajnos erre úgy néz ki, nincs esély... De ki tudja, mit tartogat a jövő? :)

  4. Hello from Spain: beautiful family photos. The girl is happy to see that his father's home. Keep in touch

  5. I have only one question, why did they split up. They look so good together! And there is still some magic and spark between them. Emma loves her daddy! Glad he is home.

    1. Oh, I wrote about this question a little in the biograpy, You can read it on the second page. :) Life is complicated sometimes, I really know this...
      But every fairytale needs a happy end ;)
